
Google Ads

We use Google Ads on our website as a revenue stream. When you first visit the site, a consent banner for Google Ads will be displayed and you will then be shown preferences for how you wish your data to be used for those ads. You can choose to consent or not consent to any personal information being shared through Google. To adjust your preference simply scroll to the bottom of any page on the site and look for the link labelled "Privacy and Cookie settings".

View our privacy policy for more information and make sure you see Google's Privacy & Terms site.


We use Fathom to see our website traffic. It's privacy-friendly, doesn't collect user data or use any cookies, plus it's GDPR compliant.

Our use of cookies uses cookies to function. There are two types of cookies:

  • Essential Cookies - If you should choose to change settings on the website, then we store your preferences in a cookie called LeccySettings. This cookie saves your three preferences for: units of distance, units of price, your energy supplier region and your preference for whether you wish to enable...
  • Non-essential Cookies - At present, does not set or use any non-essential cookies, but if that changes we will update this page accordingly. If we do add these cookies, then the cookie preferences on the site will be honoured.

You can also change your preference at any time by updating your preference below: